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Training Cole [Hard Hits 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 10

  A short knock sounded on the door before it burst open with Dr. Parker Woods coming in through the door. “You’re a lucky bitch.”

  Bane grinned. “I guess I’m down to seven lives.”

  “Only seven?” Cole asked.

  “You’ll have to tell him about that time when we all went to Mexico and you decided to go cliff diving,” Parker said.

  “What happened?” Cole asked.

  “The surf was a little rough. I almost drowned.”

  “Almost. You were barely breathing when I pulled you out of the water!” Parker said.


  “So I guess I need to keep you away from sharp objects and water,” Cole said.

  “It’s probably for the best,” Parker agreed.

  Cole reached out and grasped Bane’s hand tightly. Parker looked at their joined hands and smiled. Parker logged out of the computer. He patted Cole on the shoulder, leaning in close.

  “Take care of him,” Parker whispered.

  “I will.”

  The door closed quietly with Parker’s fading footsteps heard outside in the hallway.

  “What was that?” Bane asked.

  “Parker was just giving me some advice.”

  “About what?”


  “Are you going to take his advice?”

  Cole rubbed his thumb over Bane’s knuckles. “I’m thinking about it.”

  Chapter Ten

  Cole stood within Bane’s kitchen, tidying up. They had finished up dinner a few minutes ago. Through the doorway, he saw Bane sitting on the couch. After spending two days in the hospital, Bane had finally been released twenty-four hours ago. A movie played on the television, but Bane didn’t look as though he were really watching it. Cole loved Bane. He wanted more with him. He wanted everything with him, but he wasn’t exactly sure where things stood between them.

  Last night, Cole brought Bane home and tucked him into bed. Cole had slept next to Bane and wasn’t planning on leaving anytime soon. He wasn’t sure how he was going to have the much needed talk with Bane but he knew that he needed to. Part of him felt like he should wait until Bane was feeling better but Cole was tired of waiting for the perfect moment. Bane chose that moment to look up at him. Their eyes locked.

  Cole picked up the tray with the bowl of ice cream and took it into the living room, setting it on the coffee table.

  “Do you need any pain medication?”

  “No. I’m okay with the over-the-counter stuff. The prescription makes me feel wonky.”

  Cole sat down on the floor next to the couch and Bane’s legs. “Here, let me help you.” Bane’s injury was on his dominant hand. “Is this your trigger hand?”

  “Yeah. It’s going to take a while to get over.”

  Cole lifted the scoop of vanilla ice cream to Bane’s mouth. Their eyes caressed before Cole lowered his back to the plate.

  “I’ve missed you,” Bane said.

  “I’ve missed you so much. I thought I lost you.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, babe.”

  A tear slipped from Cole’s eye. Bane’s job was so risky. Cole knew there was always the risk of Bane not coming home when he left for work. “Promise?”


  Bane brushed the back of his fingers over Cole’s cheek. “You haven’t shaved in a while.”

  “I haven’t had time.”

  Cole lifted another scoop to Bane’s lip. Bane’s tongue slipped out, licking the sweet cream off the spoon.

  “I could get use to this,” Bane said.

  “I would love it if you would.”

  “Would you?”

  “Yes. I want to be your everything, Bane. I love being your submissive.”

  Their eyes connected. Bane’s free hand wrapped around the back of Cole’s neck. Their lips met in a frantic kiss that stole Cole’s breath away. Bane’s tongue flicked inside, taking everything Cole was willing to give. They were both breathing hard as they broke their lips apart.

  “I love you, Cole.”

  “I love you more.”

  Bane brushed his hand through Cole’s hair. “I want you here with me all the time, Cole.”

  “Do you?”

  “Yes. You’re mine. I want to marry you.”

  Tears rushed to Cole’s eyes. He never imagined that he would find The One. He always expected that he would grow old alone.

  “Well? Will you marry me?” Bane asked.


  Their lips met again. They took their kiss further and deeper than the one before. Cole slipped his body between Bane’s legs, brushing his hands up over Bane’s cock.

  “What do you want of me?” Cole asked.

  “You, sucking my cock.”

  “I’d do anything for you. Anywhere. Anytime.”

  “I know you would.”

  Bane sat back. “Unzip me.”

  Cole unzipped Bane’s fly, muscling his hard cock from his pants. Bane slapped his cock against Cole’s lips. Cole stuck out his tongue, letting Bane slap his cock against it. Pre-cum shot from Bane’s cockhead and across his tongue. Cole drank him down as he wrapped his lips around Bane’s cock. He sucked him deep, taking him down fast. Bane threaded his fingers through Cole’s hair as he started to move. Bane flexed his head back against the couch as he arched upward for more.

  Cole gripped his shaft tight as his mouth worked his cock over. He undulated his tongue, flicking it across his slit. Cole scraped his teeth over the ridge of Bane’s cockhead. Bane cried out as his orgasm spun through his body. Cole licked him off and slowly lifted his head from Bane’s dick. Their eyes met. Bane wrapped his hand behind Cole’s neck pulling him in close. They kissed deeply.

  “I love you, Cole.”

  “I love you more.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Bane relaxed into the shot. His hand was steady despite the twitching muscle in his arm. Bottles were positioned on the old fence in the distance. He missed several times before the first bottle shattered. Mars sat at the ready by his feet, watching him as he went to work. Somehow Bane was certain that Mars knew things were not going right.

  “My shoulder’s tight,” Bane said.

  He heard the frustration in his voice and disliked the fact that it was there. Bane worked out his shoulder, but stopped when Cole came up behind him. Cole smoothed his hand over Bane’s shoulder, easing the tension that lingered there.

  “Any pain?” Cole asked.

  “Not much since the stitches dissolved.”

  “Good. Relax. Concentrate on relaxing the muscle.” Cole rubbed his shoulder. “There. That’s much better. Do you feel the difference?”

  “I do.”

  Bane removed the empty clip from his Glock, setting it on the picnic table. The wind blew Cole’s hair over his forehead. There was so much he didn’t know about Cole. There was so much he had to know. He wanted to know everything.

  There was something really sexy about seeing Cole looking a little messed up from their morning passion. Cole walked over to the fence, setting up more glass bottles and cans.

  “What?” Cole asked.

  “I like being here with you.”

  “Do you?”

  “Very much so,” Bane said.

  “We haven’t talked about where we’re going to live. I was hoping you would move into my place.”

  Bane backed him up against the fence. They were surrounded by nothing but miles of privacy and blue skies. “You want me to move in with you before we’re married?”


  “I think I like the idea of that.”

  They kissed hard and passionately. Bane loved how sweet and soft Cole’s lips were.

  A car honked as it pulled up the long driveway. A line of cars were coming down the driveway. Bane reluctantly pulled away from Cole’s embrace, feeling a blush creep up his cheeks.

  “Are we expecting people?” Cole asked.

  Bane felt Cole’s hand tighten on his. They had
been kissing really hard up until they heard the honk of Trent’s car. “Not that I know of.”

  “They saw us kissing.”

  “They’re our friends. It’s going to be okay,” Bane said.

  They did see their lips locked together. There was nothing either one of them could do about it now. Bane recognized the guys from the department piling out from their cars and trucks. They were also grabbing dishes and two liters from the backseats. Bane hoped things would be okay. He hadn’t planned on coming out so publicly with the men and women he worked with. Shadow jumped from the back of Trent’s car and came sprinting toward Mars. They ran off into the field playing.

  Cole lifted his hands and signed as he spoke to Trent. “What’s all this?”

  “A get well party,” Trent said. “I hope we didn’t interrupt your evening.”

  “Not at all,” Bane said.

  The party spilled into the back yard. Trent waved Bane over and Cole came along, too, to interpret.

  “I want you guys to meet someone. This is Detective Nathan Stow. He’s new.”

  Bane grinned as Trent’s voice hung on the word new as though they were about to perform a virgin sacrifice. Bane offered his hand to Stow’s.

  “Nice to meet you Detective. Your name sounds familiar. Did you transfer from another district?”

  “Same here. District Seven.”

  “If there’s anything any of us can do to make this transition easier, let us know,” Bane said.

  There was a twinkle in Trent’s gaze as he read Cole’s hands. Bane’s eyes locked with Trent’s. They were going to have so much fun breaking this new guy in.

  “I’m sure you’ll have to go through some training,” Trent said.

  “Yeah, Chief Anderson mentioned that you guys have some strict policies and procedures,” Stow said.

  “You have no idea,” Seth said.

  Detective Stow never heard Seth approach from behind. His eyes widened a little when he turned to see Seth looking at him as though he were fresh blood.

  “I look forward to meeting with you later this week,” Seth said.

  A grin tugged at the corners of Bane’s lips when Seth walked away. “That’s Seth London. He’s in charge of the Risk Assessment Team. You’ll get to know him well.”

  Detective Stow frowned. “Oh?”

  “Yes you will,” Bane said.

  “I’m not too worried about my training,” Stow said.

  “Not now, you’re not,” Trent said. “Any questions for us?”

  Stow frowned. “Just one.”

  “Go ahead,” Bane said.

  “I heard Chief Anderson has a son in prison. Is it true?” Stow asked.

  Silence echoed among them. Bane hadn’t heard anything about Chief Anderson’s family. Trent looked at Cole’s hands as they signed what Stow had said.

  “I wouldn’t believe everything you hear about Chief Anderson,” Bane said.

  Trent nodded in agreement. “Yeah. I’m sure if Chief Anderson had a son, he would’ve turned up by now.”

  “Hey, Duncan! Do you want me to stop your dog?” Evans asked.

  Bane looked at Evans whose face was bright red. Mars had his nose in Shadow’s ass and was licking the hell out of him. Shadow had his ass up in the air as though he were begging for more. Bane looked at Trent who merely shrugged like he didn’t care.

  “Leave them alone!” Bane called. “I’m sure they’ll stop eventually.”

  As if sensing the audience, Mars broke away from Shadow and took off running. Shadow wasn’t far behind, chasing his tail.

  The party went long into the evening. Bane locked the front door when the final guest had left for the night. He backed Cole up against the banister. Bane was finally alone with Cole. He took Cole into his arms and kissed him hard. Their kiss quickly became something more when Bane reached between their legs to stroke Cole’s hard cock.

  Their eyes locked when they both came up for air. “Upstairs.”

  “I love you, babe,” Cole said.

  “I love you, too. Now get the hell upstairs.”

  Bane never expected to fall in love so fast or so hard. The impact on his life was so worth the fall. He couldn’t wait to show Cole how much he loved him tonight.





  Tatum Throne has a master’s degree in social work. She left the field of medical social work to be a stay at home mom and to pursue her dreams of writing romance. She has three rambunctious boys with her husband, Mr. Throne, and two rowdy hamsters named Nibbler and CJ. She also has a pet rabbit named Coco who has taken over her office.

  When not indulging her fantasies, Tatum enjoys baking chocolate chip cookies, hiking, spending time with her family, and spreading awareness of Eosinophilic Disorders.

  You can find Tatum all over the web at:



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  Siren Publishing, Inc.