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Training James [Hard Hits 11] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Read online

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  A hungry sound erupted from James as he sucked his shaft again. It felt so good to be taken with such a reckless abandon. Layton wanted him naked but he knew he couldn’t take him there without wanting to fuck him, too. Somehow he sensed that James needed something more than just a quick frantic thank god I didn’t die fuck. James leaned back against the bed, tilting his head back so that Lay could lean his palms onto the bed as he flexed his dick in and out of his sub’s mouth. Sweat dripped from Layton’s brow as he watched his dick thrust in and out of Jim’s mouth. Layton reached down, stroking his hand over the front of James’s neck as he worked his shaft. He held onto his neck, collaring it with his hand. Their eyes locked and something possessive took hold of Layton.

  It was then his orgasm spun up from his shaft, erupting from the tip of his cockhead. Lay shot his spunk over Jim’s tongue and lips as he came hard. His entire body was shaking from the full body orgasm and the feel of James licking his cock. Lay reached down between his legs and dragged Jim up to his feet. He kissed him hard, loving the feel of Jim’s hot cock pressing against his thigh. He reached down, giving his shaft several tight strokes. James flexed his hips forward in response.

  He moaned. “You’re fucking torturing me.”

  Lay chuckled. “You just made me come before I wanted to. No sub has ever done that to me.”

  James bit his lip as though he wasn’t sure what to do. Lay had to take control of him. The only way he knew how to do that was to start giving him orders. “Undress.”

  The muscles in James’s arms flexed as he pulled his T-shirt over his head. Dark black chest hair covered his pecs and abdomen. He worked his tactical pants off. Lay groaned as he caught sight of his flexing cock. He was by far bigger than any sub he had ever had. Lay swallowed hard.

  “On your hands and knees on the bed.”

  His balls hung low between his legs as his dick waved up and down. Layton circled the bed, moving the tray of food he was planning on sharing with Jim when they were done. James’s gaze was filled with lust. Layton knelt on the bed, pressing his hand against the back of James’s neck until his forehead touched the comforter. James jumped as he smoothed his hand over his ass while Layton’s right hand milked his cock.

  “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “I want you to hurt me.”

  Layton chuckled. “Does Chief Anderson need a spanking?”

  “God yes!”

  All laughter died away as Lay’s gaze moved over his tight rim. He smoothed his right thumb down over James’s rim, pressing gently against it as he spanked his ass with his left hand. James moaned as his hand hit like a round firing into the night. Lay spanked him hard several more times, loving the way his balls jerked against his shaft. With each hit of his hand, James groaned, begging for more. Lay smoothed his hand up and down over Jim’s cock, loving the way pre-cum leaked from his tip into his palm.

  “Have you ever had a cock stuffed into your ass?” Lay asked.

  “No. I want you so bad!”

  “It’s not going to happen tonight. You’re not ready for me.”

  “You’re ready again!”

  “Yes, I am but I’m not going to fuck you tonight.”

  A frustrated groan of despair tore from the back of James’s throat. “What are you doing to me?”

  “I’m giving you exactly what you want.”

  Sweat glistened on James’s skin after the spanking session was over. Lay normally didn’t let a sub grind on him but he knew that Jim needed a deep emotional connection with him. Lay flipped Jim onto his back, pressing his wrists to the bed. Their hard cocks pressed against each other as Lay let Jim feel the full impact of his body against his. They kissed passionately as Lay started to grind his cock against Jim’s throbbing prick. Adrenaline rushed through Lay’s blood as their dicks bumped like two horny college dudes having their first sexual experience. Lay rubbed his hand down between James’s ass cheeks, pressing against his rim.

  “Oh, god!”

  “You like that?”

  “Fuck yes.”

  Their balls slapped together as their cocks rubbed. Despite coming so hard a mere half hour ago, Layton was ready to explode again. The inexperienced way James was having sex with him was mind-blowing.

  “Come for me,” Layton ordered.

  He shoved Jim’s legs up, pressing his shaft against his rim. Another orgasm stole Lay’s breath away as he shot his spunk against Jim’s rim. He pumped Jim’s shaft, loving how responsive he was. James cried out as his orgasm spun through his body, shooting five hot lines of cum up over his chest. They were both breathing hard as they rode the tidal wave down. Lay was completely spent as he dropped down next to James on the bed. They looked at each other and smiled.

  “That was fucking amazing,” James said.

  “I’m glad you liked it.”

  Layton pulled James in close, holding him tight. He was drifting off to sleep when he felt James stir. He cracked his eyelids to see him slip from the bed. He hoped he was just going to the bathroom because he couldn’t stand the thought of waking up alone tomorrow morning. Lay was too tired to keep his eyes open. He never thought he would live. He never thought he would get away from those drug dealers. Now that he had a second chance, he wasn’t about to let go of it any time soon. The lights went out as Jim crossed the room. The bed dipped and Lay felt James’s lips press against him. It was then that he fell into a hard sleep.

  Chapter Three

  James should have stayed with Layton but he couldn’t. He didn’t want there to be any awkward moments the next day. They had obviously taken things too far too fast due to what Lay had experienced in the tunnels. After showering for the day, James got dressed to go into the station to talk with Chief Rask. He had sent his report in last night after he got home from Lay’s house. He hadn’t been able to sleep a wink.

  Morning sunshine hit James in the face as he walked up the stone steps to District Four. He was immediately buzzed through when he mentioned he was there to see Rask. James glanced around the bullpen, wondering if Layton had made it into work. A small part of James felt guilty for taking off the way he had. He shouldn’t have left his Dom that way. On his way to Rask’s office, James caught sight of Layton in the conference room. He looked as though he was being debriefed. Through the long windows, their eyes locked as James passed by. Something flashed within Lay’s eyes that looked a lot like lust. Unable to tear his gaze away, James held it until he was out of sight. His heart was hammering by the time he got to Chief Rask’s office.

  “James. Thanks for coming in. I got your report,” Rask said.

  “No problem. How’s Shaw holding up?”

  Rask smiled sheepishly. “Surprisingly well and really defiantly. I’m worried about him.”

  “He seems to be holding it together okay.”

  “That’s what worries me. He needs to deal with being abducted.”

  James nodded. “I think being strong is his way of dealing with it.”

  Rask leaned back in the chair. “You may be right. Still, I’d like you to follow up with him.”


  “Yeah. You seem to have a rapport with him. He’s spoken highly of you.”

  “He has?”

  “Yes. I talked with him this morning about what happened in the tunnel. He said you were the reason why he held it together and got out of there alive.”

  “I had no idea.”

  Rask folded his hands on his desk. “Shaw is a private man who doesn’t ever express his personal feelings at work.”

  “I’m not sure what you want of me.”

  “I had a call from IA this morning. They mentioned that you’re acting as a liaison for them right now.”

  “I’ve been asked to check in on a few things for them. I’m working a contract position.”

  “Be that as it may, I want you to keep a close eye on Shaw. I’m worried about him.”

  “I can do what I can but I don’t want this to be in an official cap
acity. I’d rather do this as a favor to the department.”

  “We can work that out.” Rask shuffled some files on his desk around. “Some of the guys are throwing a party for Shaw tonight. I’d like you to be there.”

  “Sure. I can swing by. Where and when is it?”

  “Some place called The Den. It’s on Elm St.”

  “I’ve heard of it.”

  “Okay, see you about seven.”

  James headed out of Chief Rask’s office and decided to detour through the Training Center to avoid talking with Layton. When he was downstairs, he caught sight of his son Reed working with Layton in the gym. The two men were going at it pretty roughly on the mats. James slowed down to watch them. A sense of pride swelled through James when he saw Reed pin him easily but it didn’t last long. Layton flipped him onto his back and got him in a hold with his legs. Before James could rush out, Layton saw him standing in the glass hallway. Reed followed his gaze. Lay said something to Reed, who glanced back and forth between them before being helped up from the mat. Reed waved high through the glass. It was impossible to duck out now.

  No way to get out of it, James opened the door to the Training Center and went inside. Layton hung back as Reed came over. “Hey, you looked good out there,” James said.


  “You heading out tonight with the guys for Shaw’s party?”

  “No. I have plans.” Reed looked as though he didn’t know what to say. “How are you since everything?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “You dating?”

  Heat moved up James’s cheeks. “Actually, I just started seeing someone.”

  James saw Layton stiffen. Their eyes connected within the mirror but the connection didn’t last long.

  “Anyone I know?” Reed asked.


  There was something about the way Layton stiffened that put James on edge. He really wasn’t ready to announce his relationship with Lay to the entire world.

  “I’m heading to the locker room. Thanks for the match,” Layton said.


  Reed chuckled as Layton walked away. “Jim?”

  James shook his head. “I’m no longer the chief here. Anything goes.”

  “I suppose it does, Dad. I’m going to take off. I’ll see you later.”

  When James was alone in the Training Center, he took a long hard look at himself in the mirror. He was physically fit and looked forty rather than his fifty years. He had to smooth things over with Layton. He went into the locker room and heard the sound of the shower running in the back. By the looks of things, Layton was the only one in the locker room. James headed toward the back, going for the shower stall. Through the break in the curtain, James caught sight of Layton’s athletic ass.


  The plastic curtain was yanked back and Layton was standing naked in the shower. Water rained down on his backside. James swallowed hard as his mouth watered for that thick cock.



  “I think you need to have this conversation in here.”

  James came inside the dressing area and closed the curtain. Layton left the shower curtain hanging open. Lay reached for James, pulling him into the shower with his clothes on. He pushed him up against the tile, pressing his thick thigh between his legs.

  “I don’t like the way you ran out on me last night,” Layton said.


  “You what?”

  “Got scared. We shouldn’t.”

  “We are. You’re my sub. I say how things are going to go between us and how this thing will end.” Layton stroked his hand down over his rock-hard cock, washing it with his big soapy hands. “Still afraid of me?”

  James felt his mouth water as he watched his Dom wash his throbbing prick. “I was never afraid of you. I was scared about starting something so quickly with someone I don’t know and someone my sons work with.”

  “So this is about you being embarrassed about dating a guy like me?”

  “We’re dating?”

  Layton came in close, forcing James back against the tile. “Isn’t that what you want?”

  James ran his hands up over Layton’s back, loving the feel of his muscles bunching beneath his palms and his soapy dick pressing against his clothes “Yes. But…”

  “But what?”

  “I don’t want to have a fling. I want a committed relationship.”

  Lay smoothed his lips over the curve of his ear, nipping at his lobe. “We are committed and monogamous. I’m the only man who will be sticking their cock in your ass and in your mouth. Do you have a problem with that?”

  James shivered as the heat of his breath brushed over his ear. The scrape of his teeth made his cock contract hard. Pre-cum wept from his tip. If he was going to do this, he was going to dive in with everything he had. “No problem at all.”

  * * * *

  Steam from the shower billowed up around them, making everything hotter. Layton’s cock was rock hard and pressed against his sub’s wet clothes. They were both ready and more than willing to take it to the next level. Layton just didn’t want to do it now and here. He was out of his element as a Dom. He preferred to be in his playroom when they were together the next time.

  “We’re not doing this here, Jim,” Layton said.

  “I know you want me.”

  Layton unzipped his jeans, muscling out Jim’s cock. He fisted his hand over his sub’s cock, giving it several twisting pulls. “I do but we shouldn’t be doing this here. I want to protect you. I know you’re not ready to announce to the world that you’re sleeping with me.”

  “I can’t leave you like this.”

  Layton’s resolve started to waver. He was as starved for sex as James was. It’d been a really long time since he’d fucked anyone. His last sub had been over a year ago and the relationship had fizzled out as quickly as it began. The entire situation had left Lay feeling disillusioned and annoyed. He wasn’t a man who trusted his world with just anyone.

  “You’ll need fresh clothes.”

  James laughed. “I’ll need a cold shower.”

  “Maybe I can help you out.”

  Lay really liked the way James bit his lip and licked the spot as though he wanted to taste cock.

  “How are you going to do that?”

  “I can think of some ways. Can you be quiet, sub?”

  James nodded but Layton didn’t really believe that he could be silent when it mattered most. They were both going to be fucked if they were caught now. This was so far out of his comfort zone. Layton didn’t normally have sex at work. He flicked open the button on James’s jeans, yanking his boxers down. He gripped both of their big cocks together and started to stroke them up and down. Layton’s prick was two inches bigger and a tad thicker. Where his was ruddy and dark, his sub’s prick was thick with a throbbing vein wrapped around the shaft. Layton braced his thick legs wide with Jim’s legs between his. He used both hands to work their cocks together.

  Just when James was about to come, Layton backed off, letting him ride the high a little bit longer. When he started stroking him again, James cursed, pumping his cock in and out of his palm.

  “I want to touch you,” James begged.

  “You can’t handle what I have.”

  James moaned and Layton leaned in, silencing him with a deep-throated kiss that stole his breath away. He brought James to the edge again and was dangling him over when they heard the echo of the locker room door open.

  “Come for me,” Layton ordered.

  “Oh, fuck.”

  Their eyes locked as James’s entire body contorted in a full-body orgasm that twisted up his face in the most erotic look of ecstasy that Lay had ever witnessed on his sub. He was about to cry out but clamped his mouth shut, breathing like a wild stallion that needed to be broken. Layton backed up.

  “Get on your knees and suck me, sub.”

  James moaned as he fell t
o his knees, sucking him in hard and deep. The heat of his sub’s mouth locked around his cock was exactly what Lay needed to feel. Instead of bobbing his head up and down like he wanted, James undulated his tongue like rough waves against his skin. He rolled his tongue up just beneath his cockhead and rocked his teeth over his ridge. Everything around Layton faded away as his body started to shatter. His orgasm twisted through his dick, sending several shots of cum into his sub’s mouth. His palms and forehead were pressed against the tile as his heart settled back down in his chest.

  He helped James up, giving him a rough kiss. He broke his lips away. “You’re going to need some clothes. I have an extra set in my locker.”


  “I’ll go first. You stay put here.”

  Layton wrapped a towel around his waist and went back to his locker. It was what he’d expected. They were no longer alone in the locker room. TJ was changing into a pair of workout clothes.

  “Hey, Shaw,” TJ said.

  Layton dressed as he chatted. “How’s it going?”

  “Not too bad. You still planning on going to The Den tonight?”

  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  “Great. I’ll see you there,” TJ said.

  Relief moved through Layton as TJ headed out with Adam at his side. He stared at his keys hanging from the hook in his locker. He removed the silver key and slipped it into his pocket. He grabbed an extra set of clothes and a fresh towel for his sub. James stepped out of the shower just as Layton came back.

  “Thanks,” James said.

  “No problem. I have to run for a meeting with the psychologist. I didn’t realize how late it had gotten.”

  “I’ll see you later then.”

  “Definitely. And when we get a chance, we’re going to have a long talk about tempting your Dom at work. I think I’m going to have to punish you for the infraction.”

  “Please do.”

  “I think you will like it a little too much.”

  “Then I guess you’ll have to find a way to make me loath you.”

  His heart flipped in a funny way as he leaned in to give James a rough kiss that messed up the smile on his face. When he pulled back, there was heat and admiration within his eyes. What the fuck was Lay doing here? He was going to ruin James for all other men. If he were being honest with both of them, he knew that this thing wasn’t going to last forever. The possibility of losing James scared him. He had yet to meet anyone who stuck. Lay didn’t want to think about James walking away from him now, but he was certain it was a matter of time before he did. Some men were only in to the lifestyle for the thrill. He hoped James wasn’t that way.