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Training James [Hard Hits 11] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Read online

Page 6

  When they were finally home, Layton pulled the bike into the garage, shutting it off. James took off his helmet, running his hand through his hair. As he started to walk away, Layton reached out, grabbing hold of James. They kissed roughly with Lay wrapping his hand around the back of his sub’s neck. The bike rocked as James swooned against him. Their lips smacked together with wet presses of tongue and lips. Lay loved the sounds they made when they were together.

  “Upstairs. Now.”

  “Do you want me to undress here or there, Sir?” James asked.

  “You’re fucking teasing your Dom.”

  “I want to make you happy, Sir.”

  “Undress here.”

  The garage light was off. James backed up, unbuttoning his shirt. He dropped it to the floor. He worked his gym shoes off next. Layton realized that his heart was hammering when James began to toy with the button on his jeans. He slowly unbuttoned the fly of his jeans and worked them off his legs. It was then Layton realized James wasn’t wearing any boxers. All his breath left him in whoosh as he saw his cock flex out straight and powerfully. Lay’s mouth watered. He needed to teach James a lesson for not wearing any boxers.

  “Put your hands on the handlebars of my bike.”

  Lay’s heart hammered as James spread his thighs over the front wheel, arching his ass out as he pressed against the handlebars. He had plans to tie James to his bed but he couldn’t resist the temptation to take James here and now with the garage doors open and the late autumn rain pushing through. Lightning snapped across the sky with thunder chasing after, making rain-scented air. Lay loved the rain. He loved sharing it even more with a lover.

  There was an old riding crop hanging on the wall from years ago. Lay went to the wall and picked up the crop, dusting it off with his palm. He flexed it over his palm as he came up behind James. He slid the crop up between his ass cheeks, rubbing it over his rim. Lay pulled back the crop and smacked it against his ass cheeks. James moaned as the crop came down hard several more times, leaving red lines across his ass. With each hit, James groaned, rocking forward and arching his ass out. Lay rubbed the tip of the crop down over his balls, bouncing them up and down several times. Everything was spinning out of his control. The rain outside intensified, hitting the driveway in a gray wash of chaos.

  “Get on the bike and lean forward. Arch your ass out.”

  James let go of the handlebars and circled around to swing his leg over the bike. He grabbed hold of the handlebars again, arching his ass out.

  Lay came up behind Jim. “Don’t let go of the handlebars.”

  “What are you going to do to me, Sir?”

  “Exactly what you want me to do.”

  Things were perfect. Jim was perfect. His muscles were flexed and bunched, showing his taut athletic ass. He looked like a gladiator ready to do battle. Layton undressed, dropping his clothes to the garage door. The best part about living so far out in the country was that no one would bother them out there. He grabbed the bottle of lube from his leather jacket, flipping the cap open. He squirted it over his cock, sliding it up and down his shaft. He got on the Harley behind James and adjusted his ass on the seat. He tipped his cockhead up against Jim’s rim, teasing his tight hole. He pushed his cockhead inside and paused. James moaned, arching his ass more for Layton to push deep.

  Every muscle in Lay’s body was flexed tight as he gripped his sub’s hips. He pushed his cock deep into Jim’s ass as thunder rumbled through the sky, drowning out his sub’s cry of pleasure. They were both breathing hard despite Lay not moving. It felt so fucking good to have his cock shoved deep in his sub. Ever so slowly, he started to pump his hips, shoving his prick deep into his sub’s ass. The Harley rocked with each hit of his prick. There was no way Layton was going to stop thrusting until both got off. He wanted to see those hot lines of cum dripping down the black gloss of his Harley.

  He slid his hand up Jim’s spine, locking his hand around the back of his sub’s neck. He gave it a tight squeeze as he used the hold on his sub as leverage to hit his cock home. James groaned with each thrust of his cock. He loved the smack, smack sound of their bodies coming together. He loved how his balls rubbed against the seat of his motorcycle, too. He wasn’t going to be able to go for a ride without thinking about taking his sub on his bike. Headlights cut across the front of the garage just as his orgasm started to steal his breath away. Layton didn’t care who was pulling in or who saw him fucking his lover. He groaned as his orgasm shot through his prick, sending his cum shooting into his sub.


  “Come for me baby.”

  “Oh, fuck!”

  Layton clamped his hand down on his sub’s cock as he pumped his shaft, shooting his spunk in four hot lines over his motorcycle. When they were both finished, the headlights cut out.

  “Who’s that?” James asked.

  There was fear in his sub’s voice. Layton smoothed his hand down over his back. “Don’t worry. It’s a friend of mine, Witt. I forgot he mentioned he was going to swing by. I’m sorry, babe. I wouldn’t have put you on display like this if I knew we would’ve been caught.”

  Layton kissed the back of Jim’s neck. He got off the bike and pulled on a pair of jeans as his friend from Newport Police Department got out of his car.

  “You need me to come back later?” Witt asked.

  His gaze moved over Layton’s shoulder at James, who was getting dressed. “I’m a little busy tonight.”

  “I guess you don’t want to play poker with me.”

  Layton grinned. He had suspected Witt was interested but he really wasn’t Lay’s type. He’d forgotten all about his long-standing poker game he played with the guys of the NPD. “Can’t.”

  “Whoa. Is that…Chief Anderson?”

  To Layton’s surprise, James came out of the garage dressed and looking completely unfazed.

  “I’m no longer a police chief. You can call me James.”

  “Witt Falken. I used to work with Layton at the NPD.”

  “Nice to meet you.”

  Witt sighed. “I went to high school with a guy I heard is working at District Four.”

  “Oh yeah? What’s his name?” James asked.

  “Leland Mathews. He was a fucking bastard. I was shocked he passed the test to become a LEO.”

  “I know Leland. He’s a pretty good guy,” James said.

  “We must be talking about two different people. Leland spent two years telling everyone at my high school that I liked sucking cock.”

  “Not cool,” Layton said.

  “Yeah. If I ever see him again, I’m planning on punching him.”

  “Maybe he’s changed,” James said.

  “I doubt it. Homophobic guys don’t change. I better go. See you around, Lay.”

  Headlights cut the front of the house in half as Witt took off into the night. Layton wrapped his arm around Jim’s waist, pulling him in close and giving him a soft kiss. Thunder rumbled through the sky.

  “I had no idea Leland was such an asshole,” James said.

  “Witt probably has it wrong.”

  “Should we give Leland a heads up?” James asked.

  “I wouldn’t bother. I’m sure it’s nothing for us to worry about. They’re at two different departments. It’d be different if they worked together.”


  “Let’s get inside before it starts raining again,” Lay said.

  “Sure you don’t want to go play poker with your friend?”

  “There’s only one man I plan on poking again tonight.”

  Jim swooned against his chest as he kissed him passionately. He slipped his tongue deep inside, stealing his breath away. When he broke his lips away, he saw Jim’s eyes fill with lust. They wouldn’t be going to bed anytime soon.

  Chapter Six

  Leaving Layton the next morning was one of the hardest things that James had to do in a really long time. They both had to work. Neither could blow off work any longer—at l
east James couldn’t. He’d put off the e-mail from work for too long. All of his thoughts were on Layton and the way they had fucked on his motorcycle the night before. He had his coffee as he sat down at his laptop. Sunshine was pouring through the kitchen window. For the first time in a really long time, everything felt perfect. James pulled up his e-mail and waited for it to load.

  He was just bringing his coffee to his lips when he paused. His contact with IA wanted him to investigate Layton. James was fucked. He looked at the e-mail from IA and nearly fell over. There was no fucking way he was going to do that. He dug through the e-mail, trying to find the allegation against him. And there it was. They suspected that he really wasn’t abducted but was actually working with the low-level drug dealers. That an internal disagreement had caused them to turn on him. This was all bullshit. James knew for certain that the allegation wasn’t true. Layton was a good, hardworking man. But what did he really know about the man?

  Not enough to prove that the allegation wasn’t true. James had no choice. He’d have to do his job and write up the report. Otherwise everyone would know that they were sleeping together. With a heavy heart, James replied to the e-mail to let his contact know he would look into the allegations. How was he supposed to investigate his Dom and lover without being honest with him? That was the problem. He couldn’t. And what the hell was he going to do if he actually found some wrongdoing? James ran his hands through his hair. He should recuse himself but how could he go on as though he knew nothing was going on?

  It was completely against protocol but James had to go into the station. He couldn’t just try to pretend that nothing was going on. But before he could talk to Layton, he had to talk to Rask about this situation. He was the only man besides his sons who he completely trusted within the department. Not that he didn’t trust Layton—he just couldn’t tell the man he loved what was going on. Whoa. There was that love word again that was going to get him in trouble. James had no right to be throwing that word around so much. He grabbed his car keys and mentally adjusted his balls. What was he thinking that he could ever land a guy like Layton for the long run?

  There were a few years between them. What if he wanted someone younger than him and someone more easily to control? Perhaps he’d want someone with a whole lot of less baggage. No ex or kids or even an ex-cop who ran from his post. James was starting to feel like a failure. The job with IA was supposed to get him on his feet again but all it did was make him feel like he was ratting on the men who once trusted him with everything.

  James parked in front of District Four and went inside to ask for Rask. As always he was let in right away. Rask was finishing up shift change in the conference room. Layton was at the front of the room, going over information on the latest most wanted in the city. Their eyes caressed for a moment and like always it sent a shiver of heat racing through his blood. Heat moved through his shaft, making his prick kick out hard against his tactical pants. He needed to go somewhere to cool off before his cock gave him way. He voted for the bathroom two floors down—the one rarely used since it was so far away. One where he could take a few minutes to breathe. James just shut the stall door behind him when he heard the bathroom door open again.

  The sound of the door locking into place caught his attention. James looked between the cracks in the stall door to see Layton leaning against the counter with his arms crossed.

  “Are you going to hide in there all day?” Lay asked.

  James knew he had to face the music sooner rather than later. He flipped the lock on the door, opening the door inward. His Dom’s gaze immediately went south over his fly to see his prick pressed tightly to the zipper.

  “You’re fucking hard.”

  James groaned. “It’s something that happens when you just look at me.”

  Despite that smoldering look, Layton didn’t reach out for him. “What are you doing here, Jim?”

  “I’m here to meet with Chief Rask.”

  Still, he didn’t move, despite nodding as though his answer was enough. Normally, James didn’t poke the bear but he was about to now. James slid his hand down over his prick, giving it a rough pull to adjust it.

  “I didn’t give you permission to touch yourself.”

  “May I touch myself, Sir?”


  James groaned, looking up beneath his lashes. “What are you going to do if I don’t obey, Sir?”

  “Punish you.”

  “You won’t be able to punish me here, Sir.”

  “Try me.”

  The threat was just above a whisper. James was planning on trying his Dom. Whatever the consequences were, he was prepared to take them. James smoothed his hand down over his prick, giving it a hard pull. Pre-cum dripped from his tip most likely wetting his tactical pants but he didn’t care. He wanted to see what his Dom would do. A muscle in Lay’s jaw twitched and he uncrossed his arm, going for his handcuffs on his belt.

  He came in close, using his size to dominate James. A shiver of uncertainty moved through him when he realized Layton wasn’t playing with him. As Lay came in close, he kissed him with a soft, brushing kiss that was completely incongruent to the hard look in his eyes. With their lips locked together and Lay’s tongue flicking inside, Lay moved his hand down over his wrist, locking the handcuff around it. He raised his other hand up, locking his wrists above his head to the frame of the toilet door.

  James’s heart was hammering as his Dom pulled away. Lust vibrated through his hard prick that was now sticking several inches above his waistband. Their eyes locked. Nervous energy pumped through his body. What if someone tried the door and they were caught? Even with the door locked, it would look really suspicious when they both came out of the bathroom later. James probably should have chosen the bathroom closer to the conference room. He swallowed hard as Lay turned him around, unbuttoning his tactical pants and dropping them down around his knees.

  Lay smoothed his lips over his ear. “What did I say to you about wearing boxers?”

  The corner of James’s lips ticked up. “Sorry, Sir.”

  “I don’t think you’re that sorry at all but I plan on making you sorry for a very long time.”

  Heat vibrated through his cock as Layton’s hand smoothed down over his ass cheeks. The tips of his fingers brushed between his ass cheeks and down over his rim. He pulled back his hand and spanked his ass several times. The smack of his hand echoed off the tile walls of the bathroom. James bit his lip as he tried to stifle his moan of pleasure that vibrated over his tongue. Lay’s hand slipped up the front of his neck as he locked his arm around his neck. His lips slipped over the curve of his ear.

  “You shouldn’t be here, tempting me this way.”


  “Not going to happen the way we both need it to now.”

  A shudder erupted through James’s body as Lay’s hand moved over his prick, giving it a tight stroking squeeze. He wanted his Dom’s cock buried in his ass but Lay was holding back. They wouldn’t be having the type of sex he wanted and needed right now. When James was within Lay’s arms, he felt alive. Those rough searching hands awakened a part of James he’d never known he had inside. He felt free to be who he was when he was with Lay. The palm of Lay’s hand smoothed over his cockhead, smearing around his pre-cum.

  Layton kissed his way over his neck, lingering and teasing with sweet brushes of his lips. The spot sent a zing of pleasure racing through his dick. A shot of cum erupted from his prick, sliding across Lay’s palm. A groan moved over Lay’s lips, sending vibrations over his neck. James wasn’t sure how much more teasing he could take. Lay pulled away, smoothing his hand over James’s ass cheek. He spanked him hard. So hard, that James would be feeling it for several hours if not days later.

  “I’m close, Sir.”

  The husky sound of his voice sent a throb of need through his shaft. It took everything within his power to keep his spunk from flying from the tip of his cockhead. A curse shattered the air as Layton
came in close, muscling James’s dick around. James was breathing hard as his Dom started jerking his cock up and down with his palm. Sweat and pre-cum made his hand glide smoothly over his skin. His Dom pinched his tip.

  “Tell me when you’re about to come.”

  “Okay, Sir.”

  “I want to know.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  James worked hard to keep quiet as his Dom took control of his dick. As his hand worked his cock, his fingers slipped over his rim, giving it several teasing strokes. The tip of his finger started to push into his rim. It was all the pressure James needed. His orgasm started to twist up from the base of his dick.

  “I’m coming!”


  As his orgasm exploded from his body, his Dom leaned down, wrapping his lips around his prick. “Oh fuck! That feels so good!”

  Layton sucked eagerly at his prick as James came hard, shooting his spunk into his Dom. His Dom didn’t stop sucking him off until he was finished coming. He was wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as he stood up.

  “I don’t ever suck cock. I just didn’t want a mess to clean up.”

  There was something wicked about the way Layton was looking at him that made James completely breathless. He wanted to feel his Dom’s lips wrapped around him again. “May I suck you off, Sir?”

  “Fuck yes.”

  The handcuff key was slipped into the cuffs, releasing James from the bar above his head but his freedom didn’t last long when Layton locked the cuffs behind his back.

  “Get on your knees.”

  As James knelt down, Lay unzipped his tactical pants, slapping his prick against his lips until he opened his mouth. James groaned, sucking hard on the tip of Layton’s swollen prick. Layton’s hands came around his neck, creating a collar as he bobbed his head up and down over his Dom’s dick. James was in heaven. He loved dick. He wanted to be a slave to his Dom and his dick. He wanted to have it anywhere and at any time his Dom wanted to give it to him. With his hands locked behind him, he couldn’t use his hands to tease his Dom the way he wanted to. Instead, he used his teeth, tongue, and lips to create the perfect vice around his Dom’s swollen shaft. He groaned as the tip of his Dom’s cockhead hit the back of his throat.