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Training Nathan [Hard Hits 6] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 7
Training Nathan [Hard Hits 6] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Read online
Page 7
“Suck me, sub.”
Nathan groaned as he caught Reed’s cock in one hungry bite, swallowing him down. Reed threaded his fingers into Nathan’s hair as he flexed his big cock in and out of his mouth. Nathan couldn’t believe that his lover had shoved something so big up his ass. He’d never had a cock so large before. Nathan felt Reed’s balls pull up tight. His cock vibrated as he undulated his tongue against his shaft. Muffled moans of pleasure echoed within the room as Reed continued to shove his big cock down his throat. Nathan loved taking him so deep. Every muscle in Reed’s body was flexed hard as his cock tightened down. Nathan reached up, sinking his nails into Reed’s ass as Reed came hard. Nathan rubbed his cock against Reed’s leg as Reed’s spunk spilled over his tongue and lips.
Reed was breathing hard as he pulled his cock away. He leaned down, kissing Nathan fully on the mouth.
“I want to feel you come in my mouth,” Reed said.
Nathan groaned as Reed pulled him up by the arms, bending him over the side of the bed so that he was half hanging off. Nathan’s cock was rock hard as it pointed out straight from his body. Reed came in close, pinching his nipples as he licked his way down over Nathan’s cock. A cry of pleasure echoed through the room as Reed twisted his nipples hard. It was all that it took. Reed sucked the tip of Nathan’s cockhead into his mouth just as his spunk flew from his tip. Nathan flexed his hips up high from the bed, burying his cock deep into Reed’s mouth as he came hard.
The room was spinning from coming so hard. Nathan was breathing roughly as he opened his eyes. Reed was watching him closely. He helped him up onto the bed, where they snuggled in close. Nathan curled his body against his Dom’s.
Nathan was shaking from everything that they had done. He couldn’t believe he’d gone so far and so fast with Reed. He knew there was no turning back. All he had to do now was convince Reed that they were meant to be together. Crickets chirped outside the bedroom window, making Nathan sleepy.
He loved Reed very much, but didn’t know how to tell him how he was feeling. It was getting late. Nathan knew he should get going but didn’t want to go. He wasn’t ready to leave Reed. Their last session had brought him to a place he’d never gone before. Nathan was feeling vulnerable and complete in Reed’s arms. He closed his eyes running his cheek against Reed’s shoulder. This man could ruin him for all other men. That thought brought Nathan up short and frightened him completely.
Nathan brushed his hand over Reed’s chest. Only a few scars were on the front of his abdomen. The worst scars were on his back.
“How did you get these?” Nathan asked.
Reed sighed. The hand that was rubbing Nathan’s shoulder stilled. “I was working for the government in Colombia. I was picked up by one of those paramilitary groups and held for ransom.”
“How long?”
“Almost a year. They thought I had information that would help their government.”
“Did they think you were a spy?”
“I’m sorry.”
“I survived. Most of my team did not. ”
A shiver tore through Nathan’s body as he drew closer to Reed. “I’m sorry. That must have been the worst experience of your entire life.”
“It was.”
Nathan knew he needed to say something. “Thank you.”
“For what?” Reed asked.
“For telling me. I know it wasn’t easy for you to tell me. You probably haven’t told many people.”
“You are the first.”
Tears rolled down Nathan’s cheeks and onto Reed’s chest. He couldn’t imagine all that Reed went through to become the man he was today. Reed’s hand caught the tears that fell from Nathan’s cheeks. He tipped up Nathan’s chin, kissing him softly.
“You don’t have to cry for me.”
Nathan’s heart was breaking deep inside his chest. He felt shattered inside and out for Reed. “I’m not crying for you. I’m crying for the fact that I could’ve lost you before I even knew you.”
Reed pulled him tightly to his chest, kissing him hard. “Don’t cry for me, babe. I’m a better man for what I went through.”
There were tears in Reed’s eyes. Nathan didn’t want to let Reed go ever again, but he wasn’t sure how to tell him how he’d fallen hard and fast after such a short period of time.
* * * *
Reed was feeling out of control as a Dom. It was the first time he ever told anyone about what happened to him in Colombia. The government didn’t even know all of what he went through. He was sure to keep half of his experience out of his report. He knew that if he told his commander everything, he would have been put through extensive psychological testing. That was the last thing he wanted to do. He’d gone through enough being held in captivity for a year. Somehow he knew that Nathan completely understood what he went through.
“I want to have a bubble bath with you,” Reed said.
“Mmm. That sounds like a lot of fun. You’re spoiling me tonight.”
“I want to spoil you.”
Nathan curled onto the bed watching Reed as he crossed the room. Heat moved over Reed’s ass, and his rim tingled from Nathan’s disobedient gaze. He went to the bathroom, turning on the faucet. Hot water flowed over Reed’s hand as he sat on the edge of the Jacuzzi bathtub. He poured in rose scented bubble bath. Nathan came to the doorway as he lit the thick white candles positioned around the tub. Reed offered him his hand, helping him into the bathtub.
Warm light flickered from the candles, making the moment one of the most romantic of Reed’s entire life. Reed sat behind as Nathan sat between his legs. Hot water soothed his achy muscles. Reed took a sponge, dipping it into the water. He washed Nathan’s chest.
“I missed this while I was held in captivity. I missed having the freedom to bathe and use water whenever I wanted. It was such a simple thing,” Reed said.
“I can’t even imagine how bad it was for you.”
“I was hungry all the time. I would dream about food.”
“It nearly drove me over the edge.”
“I’m sorry.”
Reed liked it how Nathan slid his hands down the backs of his legs, pulling him closer. “It makes me appreciate the simpler things in life.”
“I love that about you.”
Reed hesitated in washing Nathan. He pulled him tighter within his arms. “Do you?”
“Yes, I do.”
Reed couldn’t believe what Nathan was saying. He was pouring out his heart. He wanted this moment with Nathan to last forever. As a Dom, Reed knew he was not supposed to get attached. Love was not something Reed knew how to deal with as a Dom. Water dripped from the faucet into the tub. Musical sounds echoed within the bathroom. The water sounded like wind chimes. Reed had everything he ever wanted in his arms. He pulled Nathan in close, giving him soft kisses along his temple. Despite having Nathan within his arms, Reed knew that this moment wouldn’t last forever.
An odd feeling of desperation tore through Reed as he kissed Nathan’s temples. “Tell me about your family and how you grew up. I want to know everything.”
Nathan chuckled. “Well, I was an only child. My mom was a single mom who had me young. I went to public school and got terrible grades. I was always in trouble for fighting. I was a lost kid for a long time.”
“But you found yourself?”
“In college when I started my criminal justice degree.”
“Is your mom in Cincinnati?”
“New Jersey. She works as an RN for some little nursing home in Jersey. She’s married and settled now.” Nathan sighed. “She did the best with what she had at the time. It was just us. I don’t have a big extended family.”
“Does she know that you’re gay?” Reed asked.
“I told her when I was eight years old. She’s always been there for me. Did you come out to your family?”
Reed felt Nathan’s hands brush over his legs. “Yeah. It didn’t go so w
ell. I was in my twenties. I have a twin brother who never accepted the truth.”
“I’m sorry. I can tell it wasn’t easy for you growing up with Chief Anderson as your father.”
“It wasn’t. He’s a hard man to know. It pretty much broke what little relationship we had when I told him I was gay.”
“I’m sorry, babe.”
Reed smoothed his hands over Nathan’s chest. “Where did you work before the CPD?”
“New York. Homicide. I needed a change. I was getting burned out. Cincinnati was my first choice when I started looking.”
“What was your second?” Reed asked.
Reed’s deep laughter echoed off the tile. “I’m glad we got you.”
“So am I.”
Reed wanted Nathan to stay the night. He wanted to wake up with him at his side in the morning. Reed felt his heart beat a whole lot faster as he thought about asking Nathan to spend the night. A small part of him was afraid that Nathan would say no.
“I want you to stay the night,” Reed said.
“You bought me. You own me.”
A chill vibrated through Reed. He loved the idea of owning Nathan completely. “I guess I did. You will stay then.”
“There’s nowhere else in this world I would rather be.”
Tears misted through Reed’s eyes. He never imagined finding anyone who understood him so completely. He never imagined finding anyone who he trusted enough with the truth about his scars. Reed felt his heart opening for the very first time in his life. He knew he was falling in love with Nathan.
“Kiss me,” Reed ordered.
“With pleasure.”
Their mouths connected in a hungry, passionate kiss. Reed slid his tongue into Nathan’s mouth, taking control of the man he wanted everything from. With his left hand, Reed held Nathan’s jaw in place as they kissed. With his right, he slid it down under the water to stroke Nathan’s cock. He groaned as he felt Nathan’s cock harden within his palm.
Reed broke his lips away. His cock hardened fast, searching out Nathan’s rim to sink itself into. “Fuck. You’re so ready again.”
Nathan moaned as Reed slid his fingers down over his rim, rubbing him roughly. “Take me.”
Those two simple words were all Reed needed. Reed slid his body low, shoving his throbbing cock between Nathan’s ass cheeks. His cockhead pressed against Nathan’s rim. He knew he should wear a condom. He hesitated. His body shaking hard. It was time they had the talk that came with all new relationships. He flexed his cockhead against Nathan’s rim, hitting it over and over.
“Are we exclusive?” Reed asked.
“Yes. You’re the only one.”
“Say it as I take you.”
Reed pushed his lubed cock deep within Nathan’s ass, sinking in fast and deep. Nathan cried out as Reed grabbed his hard cock, using his fingers to hold his balls too. Reed flexed his throbbing prick in and out of Nathan’s ass.
“You are the only one.”
“Mmm. Again!”
“Oh, Reed. I’m yours.”
“Mine. Mine. Mine.” With each shove of his cock into Nathan’s ass, Reed emphasized each word. “Mine. Mine. All fucking mine.”
Reed tightened his hand down hard on Nathan’s vibrating prick, making him groan. Reed twisted his hand up and down off of Nathan’s cock. The water sloshed up over the sides of the tub and onto the floor as Reed pounded Nathan’s ass up hard from the bottom. As a Dom, he always took the top position of power. Fucking his lover from the inferior position turned him the fuck on fast and hard. Nathan arched back against Reed’s chest as Reed pumped him with quick mini strokes over his cockhead. Nathan was breathless. His words were incoherent as his cries of pleasure ran together like a speeding car. Reed knew that this crash and burn was going to be one of the most powerful of his entire life. The intimacy of this moment was the most intense he ever felt. Reed pinched the tip of Nathan’s cockhead hard as he started to come.
“Come for me.”
Reed pounded Nathan’s ass until they both pumped dry. Nathan was shaking within Reed’s arms. His cock was still hard deep inside Nathan’s ass.
“Did I hurt you?” Reed asked.
“No. I’ve never come so hard or long before.”
“Neither have I.”
The water started to cool. Nathan blew out the candles as Reed lifted the drain on the tub. Reed wanted to curl up in bed with Nathan. They were both spent as they climbed into bed naked. They faced each other like two lovers finding each other for the first time.
“I have to be in to work early tomorrow,” Nathan said.
“I’ll make sure I get you up in time.”
They kissed as they snuggled close. Reed pulled him closer, putting Nathan’s head on his shoulder. He sighed. He was truly happy for the first time in his life.
Chapter Six
Chief Anderson’s office was as cold as the man himself. Reed paced back and forth by the windows as he waited for his father to return. He looked down at the city sidewalk watching as pedestrians went to work. He didn’t know why his father called him into his office. He suspected that it had everything to do with the ongoing training he was conducting.
Reed couldn’t get Nathan off his mind. They both got up for work early. Temptation had Reed wanting to have a session with Nathan before he left for work, but he knew if they did that neither one of them would have been on time for work. They kissed long and hard before they left for work. Reed made Nathan promise to come over later on after his shift.
Voices carried from outside his father’s office. Reed was ready to move on. He couldn’t work with his father or be in the same room with him. It had everything to do with how his father raised him. There were some things Reed just could not forget. Deep down he wanted to forgive his father but he didn’t know how. He didn’t know how to look into his father’s eyes without seeing the past. If only things were different, maybe then Reed wouldn’t feel this way about his father. If his father and family just accepted the fact that he was gay, perhaps then things would change.
There were days when Reed wanted to see his family again. His twin brother was married now and had a kid. His twin never wanted a gay brother. Reed suspected that it had everything to do with the fact that they shared the same DNA. At the end of the day, Reed wondered if his brother was really gay, too. There were so many days he tried not to be anything like Reed when they were growing up. They were complete opposites. Reed suspected that his brother was bisexual, but too far in the closet to ever come out. Chief Anderson’s office door opened.
“You came.”
“You asked me to.”
James nodded looking very tired as he closed his office door. “Anyway, I’m glad you came.”
“What’s going on?” Reed asked.
“How are things going mentoring Detective Stow?”
The question blindsided him. “He’s coming along well. He has good instincts in the field. He just needs to learn to trust his instincts.”
“Good. I knew you would be a good fit with Nathan.” Chief Anderson studied Reed closely. “I’d like to hire you.”
“To do what?”
“All the tactical training within the department. We’re going to start tactical trainings with other departments too. I need more manpower to keep up with everything.”
“Do you really think it’s a good idea that we work together?” Reed asked.
“You’re the best qualified for the position. I know you have moved back home for a reason. This is the perfect opportunity for you.”
Reed shook his head no. Why the hell did his father think he would want to work with him long-term? He couldn’t be in the same room with his father for more than ten minutes without wanting to leave. Reed ran his hand through his hair. He turned away from his father to look outside the window. It was easier to look out the window than it was at his father. Down upon the sidewalk, pigeons circled a man tossing f
ood at them. He refused to look at his father again as he spoke.
“I can’t take this job.”
“At least think about it.”
“I have thought about it and it’s a bad idea. You and I do not get along.”
His father stood up from behind his desk and paced through his office. Reed could see him in the reflection of the windows. “I haven’t told anyone you’re back in town.”
This surprised Reed and had him turning away from the window. “Mom doesn’t know I’m in town?”
His father shrugged. “I haven’t told her yet. I figured I would leave it up to you if you wanted to see her.”
Reed hadn’t expected his homecoming to remain a secret. This changed things. “I hadn’t planned on staying in town long. I had to come home to settle some affairs.”
“That was the reason why I didn’t tell anyone you are in town. I figured if you are staying you would want to see everyone.”
Reed laughed. “Everyone thinks I’m dead. There’s no reason why I should go disrupting their lives.”
Pain poured through his father’s eyes and twisted up in his face. Reed knew he was hurting his father but there was nothing he could say to make it all better. His family had made it very clear to him when he came out. They did not want a gay son. His twin brother did not want a gay twin. His captivity in Colombia had been the best thing that ever happened to his family. To them, he had died with honor. It would be for the best if Reed left town again.
“Don’t do this to us. We lost you once. I don’t want to lose you again. We need you. David needs you. Something is going on with him that I can’t fix. He needs you.”
Emotion slammed through Reed’s heart at the mention of his twin. Reed couldn’t stand to see his father so torn up about his departure. There was nothing Reed could do to make it all better. He couldn’t stay and work for his father. He couldn’t fix things for David either. His world was not perfect. He needed to move on where no one knew him. It was probably time to consider the new contract job the government was offering him. He’d have to sell the new house but it would be for the best. Everything would go back to normal for his family and father and maybe even Nathan with time.